Welcome to the SFP Library



The Socialist Freedom Party challenges the oppressive norms of eRepublik with a bold vision at the crossroads of socialism and anarchism, celebrating both collective solidarity and individual freedom.

We embrace a broad spectrum of ideas and are committed to amplifying the voices of players seeking a revolutionary transformation of the game world in the direction of dignity, equality and solidarity.

A. Revolutionary Self-Rule

Our Party thrives on democratic syndicalism, fostering a network where every player’s contribution matters. We believe member participation is a celebration that shapes our path as a Party and elevates our shared experience in the game world.

The SFP invites members to become Activists, to let their passion show and to engage fully with our initiatives. Together, we can light the beacons of liberation illuminating the freedom road to e-global social transformation!

The SFP seeks to ignite dynamic gameplay and boost the spirit of fellowship. We aim to spark innovation, camaraderie, and a revolutionary zeal in every player.

As a Party member, your mission is clear: to be the catalyst for an epic adventure!

B. Rewards and Recognition

We salute you, and we raise a toast to you!

The Party acknowledges the dedication of its partisans and allies through rewards and recognition that spotlight their efforts and successes. From shout-outs to tangible rewards, we honor the role of players in shaping our tribe. The Socialist Freedom Party cultivates a game landscape where every activist player is valued. Our system of accolades recognizes the distinct contributions of members and friends.

Every action counts. Whether you’re logging in daily, engaging in battles, sharing your favorite tunes, contributing to discussions in the Party chat, or spearheading projects like the SFP Handbook or mutual aid programs, there are distinctions to be won.

Our anarcha-syndicalist goal is to construct a collective in which both whimsical ideas and bold experiments are welcomed, where every worthy initiative — big or small — is met with due consideration. While facilitatating and promoting fresh ideas, the Party also keeps a vigilant eye out for and combats sneaky capitalist monkeyshines undermining our rebel mission.

The Freedom Socialist vision is for a New World where rewards abound, players’ efforts spark joy, and the spirit of solidarity shines. Let’s make the game fun again!


The SFP combines horizontal and centralized democracy, using voting alongside consensus discussions to make decisions, while always emphasizing freedom of action. Openness, accountability, oversight, and post-action analysis guide us, steering clear of over-reliance on rigid rules and procedures.

A. Active Members

Every three months, we conduct a census to identify active Party members. A straightforward in-game mail and party chat invite responses. The census runs for one week, with friendly reminders. The number of unique responses determines our active member count for the quarter.

B. Open Polls

Open polls occur via in-game mail, party chat, or any effective communication channel. A poll’s results are decided by majority vote and are binding only if at least 25% of Active Members participate. If participation falls short, the Revolutionary Command Center makes the decision.

Decisions made through open polls:

A non-binding poll, monthly, helps to set the order of the congressional candidates list.

C. Amendments and Modifications

The SFP Constitution outlines key principles while leaving room for an inventive vibe. This Constitution is not a strict set of laws; it’s a flexible guide to core values, adapted to the evolving game landscape.

For detailed instructions and pragmatic tips, we use the SFP Handbook.

Political stances on domestic and international issues are detailed in the SFP Platform.

To amend this Constitution:

III. Revolutionary Organization

At the core of SFP democracy are action-driven teams, categorized as follows:

Party activists are expected to join one or more party organizations. We keep entry barriers low for newcomers, ensuring everyone can get involved and leave their mark.

Participation in a crew varies by task and purpose. Some require trusted veterans, while others thrive on the energy of fresh faces. Flexibility is essential: overlapping of roles and movement between teams are welcomed and encouraged. Playing on multiple teams is perfectly fine, but be mindful of burn-out – maintaining a balanced workload and taking an occasional break assures a healthier experience. Info on team names, how to create new groups, or dissolving those that no longer serve a purpose is provided in the SFP Handbook.

The general trajectory for the party organizations is as follows.

A. Command Posts

1. Revolutionary Command Center

The Revolutionary Command Center (RCC) is our engine room and navigation bridge. Its starry mission is to uplift both the SFP and the e-global community.

Here, strategy meets action, re-energizing our revolutionary ethos with conviction and resourcefulness. RCC members should be the Party’s most engaged players: visionaries, innovators, and problem-solvers. The RCC initiates action, forges connections, and leads the e-working-class with enthusiasm and dedication to the cause.

Composition of the RCC:

What the RCC does:

a. Pathfinder and Trailblazers

Each month on the 15th, the race for Party President (PP) kicks off. Any Party member, except for our newest Associates, can throw their hat in the ring. Unless internal security identifies them as a disruptive bad actor, the player elected PP becomes the Pathfinder of the Revolutionary Command Center (RCC) for the next month.

The Pathfinder appoints at least six Trailblazers to take charge of positions on the Command deck. Candidates may like to share their proposed team during campaigning for PP but aren’t required to finalize it before election day. The Trailblazers include the four in-game officials selected by the PP plus two or more activists who are eager to dive in.

The Pathfinder is free to request or draft more volunteers for special tasks, and to seek advice from any members or friends. Revolutionary syndicalist leadership is a collective task. Failing to assemble a Revolutionary Command team isn’t just frowned upon -- it is counter-revolutionary.

b. Hostile Takeover Attempts

If a reactionary intruder snags the in-game Party Presidency and attempts to steer the RCC towards a corrupt capitalist agenda, fear not! The dedicated guerillas of the real Socialist Freedom Party will rally under the banner of a Provisional Revolutionary Committee (PRC). Driven by an unyielding revolutionary spirit, we refuse to be sidelined. We’ll press on with our mission until the infiltrators are expelled.

c. Resignations and Dismissals

If the elected Party President (RCC Pathfinder) departs before their term wraps up, the game mechanics place the player with most experience points in charge. However, to ensure that a revolutionary anarcha-syndicalist political line remains intact, the longest-tenured RCC becomes Pathfinder during the transition until the next election.

When any member of the RCC or any party organization bids farewell, the remaining team will discuss and select a replacement. We strive for consensus; if that’s proves tricky, a simple majority vote will suffice.

If a team member becomes inactive or strays far from SFP principles, and is unresponsive to friendly nudges, the team may boot the comrade off the crew. Such decisions should be collaborative or by majority vote, ensuring that every voice is heard and that the problem is treated as a contradiction among the people. Vacancies should be filled in the same way, with the goal of keeping our avant-garde mettle alive and kicking!

2. Government Ministers and Shadows

Members of the Socialist Freedom Party in executive roles, alongside those shadowing these positions, form a collaborative force dedicated to driving adoption of the SFP Program in government.

Step up and seize the moment! This is our game and our e-country. Every serious activist neeeds to be ready and willing to take the helm, to assume leading roles like country president, governor, war minister, foreign affairs minister, speaker of the house, or executive press secretary.

Shadowing a role means diving into its responsibilities, updating the SFP Handbook, and familiarizing oneself with current players and policies. This gung-ho approach prepares SFPers to lead and it enables activists to effectively advise the team, the Party and the government.

3. Treasury

The Party thrives on the generosity of its members and friends, collecting donations to fuel our mutual aid programs, rewards initiatives, and more. Typically, contributions in local game currency (CC) are easier to transfer quickly than game-gold.

Funds are securely managed by two trusted Treasurers who ensure smooth running of financial operations. Transparency is paramount: our ledgers and accounts are open for any member in good standing to review.

4. Mutual Aid

The Party’s mutual aid programs help newer or less-experienced players engage in more battles, advance their ranks, and build a solid economic foundation. Such support helps our members thrive and shine.

A dedicated syndicate of activists manages the disbursement of aid, ensuring that resources reach those who need them most. The Treasurer oversees the transfer of funds and goods to the Mutual Aid crew, who then allocate assistance to eligible members upon request, typically on a weekly basis.

5. Rewards & Recognition

The Party seeds activism through a system of rewards that motivate and inspire player activity, making the game more enjoyable and fulfilling. Our Rewards and Recognition team designs various accolades, from badges and honorary titles to medals, credits, ribbons and gifts.

The Rewards squad fine-tunes the rewards system to resonate with game dynamics, offering everything from quick-hit incentives to milestone achievements awards. Details are spelled out in the SFP Handbook, with clear criteria outlined for each commendation. The team works closely with Treasurers to ensure smooth distribution of currency and goods and collection of donations to support the program.

Examples of awards:

6. Polling Stewards

The polling stewards manage the quarterly census of active members and the periodic or special open polls. These dedicated cadre ensure smooth operations, from organizing these essential processes to transparently reporting their results.

The efforts of the polling stewards keep our whole gang engaged and informed, reinforcing our commitment to a participatory, and not merely representative, democracy.

7. Handbook Curators

The SFP Handbook serves as a guide to eRepublik mechanics while inviting players to engage with the game from a transformative perspective. While many Party teams contribute to its content, the Handbook team focuses on editing, publishing and promoting this essential document.

The Handbook is accessible online without logins. The curation team uses collaborative writing tools and the Handbook features a clear table of contents, version control, and a draft branch for team access, while the latest and previous released versions are publicly available.

Our editorial goal is to keep the Handbook engaging and user-friendly, with guidelines for players, tips to prevent burn-out, insights on writing and publishing, help on navigating various platforms, on how to usefully engaging in discourse with other players, and even some historical anecdotes for flavor. Keeping the Handbook updated contributes to the Socialist Freedom mission. By making it public, we affirm our commitment to grassroots solidarity and networking. Team members are encouraged to explore archives and work with other parties and players, both domestically and internationally.

The Handbook features a copy-left, allowing others to freely copy, fork, and modify it with proper attribution. The Handbook posse should consider translating sections into other languages, as well as accommodating various English spellings and idioms.

Sections concerning internal security and sensitive matters will be kept private, shared only through secure channels using encrypted protocols.

8. Platform Weavers

The SFP Platform outlines current policy directions and goals of the Socialist Freedom Party. Unlike the Constitution, it is modified often and is quite specific. It address domestic and international issues through a radical anarcha-syndicalist lens, featuring both bold aspirations and practical points of unity to attract and inspire allies and friends at various levels of engagement.

The Platform crew are passionate about the details of the game’s ever-shifting political and military context, eager to weave messages that resonate with a diverse gaming audience while also challenging them to grapple wtih a radical perspective.

Like the Handbook, the Platform is managed using collaborative software that supports versioning. The latest released version should be publicly accessible online with no login required. If feasible, it may be offered in multiple languages and dialects.

B. Unity Hubs

Unity Hubs energize our members and allies, uniting players across boundaries and borders, drawing a wider audience into progressive and revolutionary actions.

1. General Assembly

The general assembly automatically includes all party members not under censure. It centers on participation in the Party's "Mass Line" in-game mail list and Discord channel, where members exchange ideas, tips, jokes, stories, music, and artwork, while promoting votes, endorsements, battles and so on. It’s a hang-out space, it’s the SFP’s club house, encouraging camaraderie and ensuring that all frequencies are open.

2. Active Members Hub

The active members hub comprises party members who responded to the latest quarterly census of active members, plus newcomers eager to become Party activists. The size of this group sets the threshold for a binding results in open polls. Activists are encouraged to participate in the life of the Party, in various party organizations, and to champion the revolutionary movement through their gameplay.

3. Congressional Caucus

Let’s “Take Tiger Mountain by Strategy”! Elected members of e-USA Congress from the SFP, along with two delegates, serve as agents of the revolutionary movement; they are tribunes of the people within the e-USA's representative House – in both its in-game and meta-game aspects.

One caucus member, typically chosen by the Pathfinder, is designated as the Warchief. The Warchief oversees Caucus activities, encourages active participation and, when necessary, rallies members for a unified voice on the House floor. They also forge alliances across party lines to advance legislation that aligns with the SFP Platform. Communication flows through in-game message, the Party's Discord server, and other suitable platforms.

Delegates are usually newcomers to Congress; in this role they gain valuable experience and insights into the workings of the representative structure.

4. Electoral, Cooperative and Grassroots Hubs

Activists in these hubs aim to draw a broader audience into the anarcha-syndicalist milieu. Participation doesn’t require membership in the SFP or full alignment with its Program.

Examples include:

a. Electoral campaigns at the Country President level

When the SFP endorses a candidate from another party, we communiate the benefits of this alliance to both members and the public. Likewise, if an SFP candidate seeks endorsements from others, then Party activists mobilize support and encourage voting for the SFP.

b. Electoral campaigns at the Congressional level

The SFP Program provides targeted campaign material. This dedicated campaign team utilizes the Constitution, the Program, the Party press, individual newspapers, Discord channels, in-game forums, and direct messages to rally support for the SFP slate.

c. Cooperative Economic Union

Members may need additional funds to enhance their economic base. Spending real-world cash is not always viable or desirable. The Party acts as an economic engine by launching funding appeals to help with economic constrution projects. The process may be abetted by a Party treasurer, a CEU cadre, or through direct transfers from donors to those in need. These programs should operate on a "pay it forward" gifting basis rather than as loans. They may also extend beyond party members, showcasing the Party's commitment to supporting all working-class and middle-strata players.

d. Grassroots Solidarity Networking

The grassroots solidarity networking hub encourages members to actively participate in a wide variety of eRepublik-oriented Discord servers or other platforms, nationally and internationally. This type of engagement aims to gather insights, help explore new ideas, learn from others, and share SFP’s offerings. Networking can also occur through in-game friends chat, personal messages and newspaper articles.

5. Party Press and Publications

The SFP has distinguished itself in the e-USA by its enduring commitment to a lively press. This legacy has granted the Party access to an organizational account for publishing a newspaper under the Party’s name, rather than an individual’s. Credentials for this account are shared with trusted RCC members, ensuring responsible management. It can also store and distribute CC and Gold if required.

A Party newspaper that highlights a wide variety of topics and voices reinforces in public opinion the open and horizontal nature of the SFP, led by a hard core of revolutionary activists.

a. Tooling for Collaborative Writing and Publications

Public releases of the SFP Handbook and SFP Program should be accessible in HTML or PDF format on a public website. This requires a dual appraoch: managing a shared editing platform and maintaining a secure deployment method on a privately-hosted server.

Collaborative tools used by the press and publications team must be open to its members. The process for handling of public releases , including announcements and promotional efforts, should be clearly documented to ensure transparency and engagement.

6. Economic, Military, Militia, Intra-Party, International Hubs

Hubs within the SFP are formed to manage relationships for information gathering, participating in joint initiatives, and supporting security efforts and special missions. These teams can be formal or informal; sometimes, it’s as simple as monitoring foreign press and reporting back on the latest developments.

SFP members fight in battles with various militia organizations. Sharing successes, discoveries, and challenges from these militias enhances a culture of horizontal democracy.

Likewise, a wide exchange of perspectives on economic efforts promotes synergy and progress. Many of our member-players hail from countries outside the USA and maintain ties with players in a various e-national settings. Keeping the SFP tribe updated on global developments, and sharing our revolutionary experiments in return, enriches our journey and strengthens our international connections.

C. Special Brigades

Certain specializd roles within the SFP demand a high level of trust and loyalty.

1. Admins

Admins manage credentials for the Party's Discord server, for our slightly outdated BBS-style forum, as well as the Party organization/newspaper account. The role of Party Treasurer and the administration of platforms for publications or secure internal communications have similar requirements. These positions should be filled by seasoned militants at the Trailblazer level.

2. Geek Squad

The SFP stands firm against multi-accounting or bot use. However, understanding these exploits is key to countering them effectively. Our tech team is encouraged to innovate and explore, while wearing the white hat! And developing in-game contests and games? Absolutely!

For example:

3. Internal Security Team

The internal security team is our vigilant watchdog, guarding against hostile actors, PTO plots, and disruptive agents. They initiate the censure or shunning process only when necessary. The team must consist of experienced players who can act swiftly and cooly, avoiding the spread of disinformation, panic or paranoia.

Dissent is vital and welcomed, but we must act quickly to catch, expose, and neutralize nasty shenanigans.

a. Censure and Shunning

In the spirit of fair play, the SFP’s approach to discipline is clear and purposeful. Corrective measures aim to preserve the integrity of our cause.

Purpose of Censure: Censure is a serious measure designed to address consistent and significant breaches, repeated misbehavior, or actions that damage tribal cohesion. The goal is education and restoration, fostering respect and accountability, not chasing petty grievances.

Dialogue First: Censure isn’t for resolving trivial disputes or honest debates. We encourage dissent as part of the quest for knowledge. Resolving disagreements and misunderstandings through dialogue and dialectic is the way we work.

Censure Protocol: If the security team recommends censure, they’ll present their case to the General Assembly before conducting an Open Poll. If approved, the affected member’s participation in internal forums is suspended for up to 4 weeks, including removal from mailings and blocking on chats or forums, plus denial of mutual aid, rewards or coop funds. Censure is temporary and aims to resolve issues, not silence dissent. Permanent censure (shunning, described below) is rare.

Shunning: Serious attacks from counter-revolutionary scum will be met with decisive action. After a recommendation from the security team and a decision via Open Poll, these offenders face permanent censure across all SFP platforms, as well as public exposure, condemnation, and shunning in all public forums.